数学专业书籍 - 热盘搜-最大最专业的全能网盘资源搜索引擎
- file:致终身学习者的一封信.pdf
- file:Theory of Point Estimation (E.L. Lehmann, George Casella) (Z-Library).pdf
- file:An Intermediate Course in Probability.pdf
- file:Time Series Analysis With Applications in R (Jonathan D. Cryer, Kung-Sik Chan) (Z-Library).pdf
- file:Statistics for Bioengineering Sciences With MATLAB and WinBUGS Support.pdf
- file:Applied Bayesian Statistics With R and OpenBUGS Examples.pdf
- file:An Introduction To Statistical Learning With Applications In R (Second Edition).pdf
- file:Statistical Data Analysis using SAS. Intermediate Statistical Methods.pdf
- file:Statistics and Data Analysis for Financial Engineering with R examples (Springer Texts in Statistics).pdf
- file:Statistical Learning from a Regression Perspective.pdf
- file:Probability with Applications in Engineering, Science, and Technology.pdf
- file:Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Repeated Measurements (Charles S. Davis) (Z-Library).pdf
- file:Asymptotic Theory of Statistics and Probability.pdf
- file:Statistical Analysis of Financial Data With Examples In R.pdf
- file:Statistics and Finance An Introduction.pdf
- file:Large Sample Techniques for Statistics-1.pdf
- file:Statistics for Lawyers.pdf
- file:Essentials of Stochastic Processes.pdf
- file:Generalized Linear Models With Examples in R.pdf
- file:Applied Probability.pdf
- file:Graphical Exploratory Data Analysis.pdf
- file:Basic Principles of Structural Equation Modeling An Introduction to LISREL and EQS.pdf
- file:Intuitive Introductory Statistics.pdf
- file:Log-Linear Models.pdf
- file:All of Statistics A Concise Course in Statistical Inference.pdf
- file:Statistical Models and Methods for Financial Markets (Tze Leung Lai, Haipeng Xing (auth.)) (Z-Library).pdf
- file:A First Course in Bayesian Statistical Methods (Peter D. Hoff) (Z-Library).pdf
- file:A Modern Approach to Regression with R (Simon Sheather (auth.)) (Z-Library).pdf
- file:朱建青 数学建模方法.pdf
- file:变分法.pdf
- file:遗传算法——理论、应用与软件实现.pdf
- file:学习介绍.txt
- file:法兰西数学精品译丛10-无穷小计算,J.迪厄多内著;余家荣译,北京:高等教育出版社_13045355.pdf
- file:线性与非线性泛函分析及其应用(上册 修订版).pdf
- file:07法兰西数学精品译丛-解析函数论初步[法]嘉当.pdf
- file:02法兰西数学精品译丛-拓扑学教程:拓扑空间和距离空间、数值函数、拓扑向量空间(中文版.第2版)-[法]G·肖盖-史树中&王耀东(译)-高等教育出版社-2009.pdf
- file:法兰西数学精品译丛02-微分学(中文版)-[法]H·嘉当-余家荣(译).pdf
- file:法兰西数学精品译丛15-线性与非线性泛函分析及其应用 下,菲立普.G.希阿雷著,北京:高等教育出版社_14341919.pdf
- file:法兰西数学精品译丛09-概率与位势 第1卷 可测空间,(法)德拉歇利等著;李欣鹏等译,北京:高等教育出版社_13111326.pdf
- file:05法兰西数学精品译丛-代数学教程戈德门特pdf中文版免费版.pdf
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- file:法兰西数学精品译丛-有限群导引 英文版,Jean,北京:高等教育出版社_14390080.pdf
- file:10法兰西数学精品译丛-拟微分算子和Nash-Moser定理[法]阿里纳克.pdf
- file:法兰西数学精品译丛16-分析与代数原理及数论 第1卷 第2版,Pierre Colmez,胥鸣伟,北京:高等教育出版社_14693635.pdf
- file:法兰西数学精品译丛07-拟微分算子和Nash-Moser定理,(法)S.阿里纳克,(法)P.热拉尔著,姚一隽译,北京:高等教育出版社_12187163.pdf
- file:法兰西数学精品译丛11-分布系统的精确能控性、摄动和镇定 第1卷 精确能控性,J.-L.利翁斯(J.-L.Lions)著;严金海;黄英译,北京:高等教育出版社_13116674.pdf
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- file:Stein实分析答案Real Analysis-solution-ch3.pdf
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- file:Stein-Shakarchi Complex Analysis Solution Chapter 2 Cauchy's Theorem and Its Applications.pdf
- file:Stein复分析答案Complex Analysis-solution-by ROBERT C. RHOADES.pdf
- file:The-Art-of-Linear-Algebra-zh-CN.7z
- file:Linear Algebra by Werner H. Greub.pdf
- file:Linear Algebra Done Right, 2nd Ed - Sheldon Axler.pdf
- file:Linear Algebra by Seymour Lipschutz, Marc Lipson.pdf
- file:Linear Algebra by M. Thamban Nair, Arindama Singh.pdf
- file:Linear Algebra by Jörg Liesen, Volker Mehrmann.pdf
- file:Linear Algebra by Stephen H. Friedberg, Arnold J. Insel, Lawrence E. Spence.pdf
- file:Linear Algebra by L. Shen, Haohao Wang, J. Wojdylo.pdf
- folder:数学专业书籍
- folder:STS(概率论-数理统计)
- folder:法兰西数学精品译丛
- folder:Stein系列答案(傅里叶分析、复分析、实分析)
- folder:线性代数(国外教材)
- folder:美国中学生数学建模竞赛(HiMCM)历年优秀论文
- folder:概率论
- folder:计算方法丛书_信息与计算科学丛书
- folder:布尔巴基学派Bourbaki《数学原理》全套
- folder:2023高联数学竞赛各地预赛试题
- folder:布尔巴基数学基础(英文版)
- folder:计算机算法经典书籍
- folder:丘成桐大学生数学竞赛
- folder:N. Bourbaki Eléments de Mathématique
- folder:SMM251
- folder:俄罗斯数学
- folder:Matlab数值
- folder:Grothendieck
- folder:高等教育出版社(数学全集)
- folder:非线性偏微分方程讲义 6卷
- folder:数理化自学丛书全套
- folder:常见数学教材答案
- folder:Graduate Texts in Mathematics(GTM)
- folder:1-8届全国大学生数学竞赛试题及参考答案(数学类和非数学类)
- folder:高教现代数学基础丛书
- folder:线性几何、射影几何
- folder:偏微分方程
- folder:国际数学家大会(ICM)论文集
- folder:哈工大刘培杰数学工作室
- folder:杂项 分析
- folder:最优估计及其应用
- folder:统计物理学中的蒙特卡罗模拟方法_10236612
- folder:蒙特卡罗方法及其在粒子输运问题中的应用_10072616
- folder:蒙特卡罗方法引论_10340409
- folder:最优设计中的新计算法
- folder:数学建模与数学实验
- folder:常用数值算法--C语言
- folder:遗传算法原理及应用_10190716
- folder:蒙特卡罗方法 在统计物理中的应用_10236807
- folder:HiMCMpapers
分享时间 | 2025-02-22 |
入库时间 | 2025-03-02 |
状态检测 | 有效 |
资源类型 | QUARK |
分享用户 | 夸父*805 |